What is Christianity?

What is Christianity and what does a Christian believe?

The heart of the Christian message is simple enough. The message is found in the Bible, and it’s about God, his Son Jesus and the presence of God in the person of the Holy Spirit. It’s about life and death and a choice we all have to make. It all starts with a loving God.

One of the greatest verses in the Bible sums it up - John 3:16: "God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life'.

As a church, we believe that God sent his son to be born for us, to live in a way that exampled this love and then to die, as a sacrifice for all the things that we have done wrong so that we can once again approach a pure and Holy God. To use a common illustration, the cross is the bridge between our fallen world and heaven, or perhaps you prefer to see it as the door by which we can enter the presence of God. This door or bridge, is only found in Jesus Christ.

Want to know more? Feel free to get in contact for a deeper chat (vicar@wonershchurch.org.uk or 07521 090179) or come to one of our services, details of which you can find here.


As a church community we also run regular Alpha courses.  Alpha is a series of discussions using a film to get us started and then open debate aimed at thinking about some of life's big issues.  The group is an opportunity to ask any question no matter how big or small. The courses are run on-line and also in person and for the next group, for more information and details of the next course, click here

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